Witness the exhilarating ocean blowhole in Maui, framed by stunning lava formations and heart-shaped rocks, offering a scenic adventure for all ages.
Poelua Bay, Wailuku, HI 96793 Get directions
"Located on Maui’s northern tip, the Nakalele Blowhole is known for its watery explosions, which often shoot nearly 100 feet in the air. To reach the blowhole, you need to hike up a long incline from the road, so wear sensible shoes and go at high tide for the best show. Be sure to also watch the action from a safe distance—Nakalele creates a mean undertow when it empties. As you head back to the road, keep an eye out for Maui’s heart-shaped rock, which frames the sea and tropical mountain slopes. It’s visible from the base of the scree slope trail when the blowhole is to your right."
Jessica Treat
Victor Perrin
Kausik Kannan
Cory Creevy
Elizabeth Garrett
Spicy Duck
Dillon Lane
Chris Buck
Jessica Treat
Victor Perrin
Kausik Kannan
Cory Creevy
Elizabeth Garrett
Spicy Duck
Dillon Lane
Chris Buck