This charming, century-old cinema offers a cozy vibe for international and Hungarian films with subtitles, plus a delightful cafe and extensive DVD collection.
Budapest, Teréz krt. 30, 1066 Hungary Get directions
"In an age of Hollywood blockbusters and cineplexes (even in Europe), true art-house cinemas are a dying breed; Művész on the Pest side of the city keeps the faith with a wide variety of international and vintage films shown on four screens. English films are shown with Hungarian subtitles. Alongside that are film festivals as well as a foyer with delicious old cozy sofas, magazines and books, fish tanks and wall sculptures, even arts and crafts to buy. On top of it all, the cinema houses a bustling retro cafe that attracts culture vultures beyond the usual cinephile audience."
Christine Doan
Kate W
Ye In Oh
Tibor Hegyi
Levente Nagy
Piia Õunpuu
Niké Panta