The Palace of Arts is a stunning cultural hub in Budapest, featuring exceptional acoustics and stunning architecture, perfect for unforgettable performances.
Budapest, Komor Marcell u. 1, 1095 Hungary Get directions
"Known as the Palace of Arts until 2015, the modern, glassy cultural center Müpa opened in 2005 and is the premier venue in the Hungarian capital to take in cutting-edge jazz, dance, art, and more. The Bela Bartok National Concert Hall is within, as is the Ludwig Museum of Art and the Festival Theater. The building was designed to be a technical wonder for cultural production—the acoustics in the concert hall are especially lauded, and the organ in the concert hall is one of the largest such instruments in the world. See top international acts as well as Hungarian stars perform here, including the Hungarian National Philharmonic."
if you can, catch a concert! they have great performances for not so many dollars and it feels pretty fancy. i met an adorable 3 year old here once and we conversed across english and hugarian (maybe one of the best days of my life).
Lawrence Marcus
Elif Zerenman
Igor Faynshteyn
Zsolt Elekes
Tim Byrne
Reginald Williams
Omar Rachid