Quinn A.
I'm writing this in the year of the flu, 2020, while isolated during social distancing.
This is a great place to workout while the gym is closed, or when you just want to do something functional and outside.
These stairs are wide, so you can keep a safe distance from your germy neighbors. There are a series of stairs, then a couple steps on flat concrete, more stairs, flat, and so on. The last bit at the top is a short dirt trail up to the summit.
I just read a review that said it wasn't a very good workout. LOL! Let me help you. First of all, plan to do at least 5 circuits (for me a full workout is 10). Up, down = 1 circuit. Change up your climb. 1st circuit is warm up so take it easy, 2nd circuit can be 2 steps at once, 3rd circuit quick trot, 4th - turn your body a bit and take slightly sideways steps. Be creative.
Want to make it a full body workout? I knew you would. There is a round concrete pad near the top. On each circuit, on your way down, drop and give me 10 pushups. Can't do a pushup? Get on line and look at floor pushups, where you start by being flat on the ground then push up from there and return to the ground. Gimme 10! On our knees? No problem, give me 10! If you can only do 1 full pushup right now, then do that, then do the rest on your knees or reverse style, but give me 10! In a couple weeks of this you'll be doing more full pushups and fewer modified and one day you'll congratulate your bad self because you did 10 you freaking beast!
Note: the steps are also a good place to build your push ups. If your feet are lower than your hands, that relieves some of the burden. This week you can do 10 if you have your hands on the 2nd step, next week the first step, after that it's 10 traditional .... build that core, that chest and back! Looking good, feeling strong.
So 10 circuits and 100 pushups still not giving you the burn? Ok, on one of those flat spaces between steps, face away from the step, reach back with one leg and put your toe on the first one, and give me 10 split squats. Keep your upper body straight, core engaged. Make sure you can see your toe on that front foot when you drop your knee into the squat, if not your form is a little off. Take a look at this on line if you've never done it before. It's a butt burner! I dont recommend more than 3 sets of this on each leg. But what about the other 7 circuits? So glad you asked! 1st circuit split squats, 2nd circuit front and back lunges, third circuit convict squats. Rotate that for 9 circuits. That leaves circuit #10 to just go up and down (with your final 10 pushups) feeling amazing and accomplished.
Oh no, still not enough? I haz immense respect for your physicality, friend. Why not take a long lap around the park? There are some very challenging uphills on the south side.
As for me, 10 up and downs, with 10 sets of pushups for a total of 100 ( f*ya! ), 30 split squats on each leg, 30 front and back lunges on each leg, and 60 convict squats, is a really solid workout. Works all my muscle groups and satisfies my heart. And best of all, its outside and cost nothing.
Train every day friends. Stay healthy.
Peace, strength, courage, love.