Discover an exquisite women's boutique curated by Sherri's sophisticated eye for on-trend designer fashion and accessories, with exceptional service to match.
"The buyer, Sherri, worked at Neiman Marcus for years, so she has pretty great and sophisticated taste. To stock her elegant, comfortable shop she travels to Paris, London, and New York to bring back the best of the shows (Marni, Preen, and Natasha Zinko to name a few). It's best to let her or a member of her knowledgeable team to take the reins and fill the fitting room for you, as more often than not, they can predict what you'll want before you know you want it."
Julia Valdesalice
Brenna Stanton
Melissa Gluck
Reeta Sharma
Ella Battle
Mary Campbell
Peter Wilson
Bette Gordon
Julia Valdesalice
Brenna Stanton
Melissa Gluck
Reeta Sharma
Ella Battle
Mary Campbell
Peter Wilson
Bette Gordon
Freya P.
Rose S.
Brad S.
Theresa S.
Ree W.
Stacy B.
Claude H.
Lael M.
Madison O.
Jolie M.
D G.
F H.
Diane R.
Clara B.
M. W.
Ash M.
Melissa N.
Gray S.
Sarah F.
layla k.
Kenneth W.
Olive O.
Douggers M.
Keitha P.
Audrey J.
Allison C.
Kate O.
Yelp1001 R.
Debbi D.
Rachel B.
Helen Y.
Mrs. Mary J.
Grammarian A.
Diri B.
Allison B.
Adrienne K.
Knitoneone C.
Camille W.
Annmarie L.
Ali H.
Tonya G.
Natalie L.
Doug M.
Olivia H.
Gi-gi L.
i k.
Jenna B.
Nicole M.
Jennifer K.