The Los Angeles Zoo & Botanical Gardens is a beloved oasis in Griffith Park, featuring a mix of fascinating animals, lush plant life, and family-friendly amenities amid its hilly paths.
"The Los Angeles Zoo is known for housing / bringing back the endangered California Condor, many Asian elephants & a chimpanzee exhibit. Along with unique plants & trees on the grounds, it's been known in the past to have animals escape periodically into the surrounding Griffith Park!" - Sallie Harrison Design Studio
"Los Angeles Zoo & Botanical Gardens, Griffith Park. The Los Angeles Zoo is known for housing / bringing back the endangered California Condor, many Asian elephants & a chimpanzee exhibit. Along with unique plants & trees on the grounds, it's been known in the past to have animals escape periodically into the surrounding Griffith Park!"
Wimmer's Automotive & Hybrid Repair & Smog
David Cañas
Ita Bloom
Lisa Michelle Houston
Christian Casta
Robbyn Battles
Cnd Traveller
Wimmer's Automotive & Hybrid Repair & Smog
David Cañas
Ita Bloom
Lisa Michelle Houston
Christian Casta
Robbyn Battles
Cnd Traveller
Ted H.
Natalie J.
Jade Ann B.
Theresa Renee W.
Joy J.
June O.
Linh Y.
Dr. Conrad U.
Monica A.
Erik G.
Lucy M.
Monica C.
Christy M H.
Harut Y.
Magnolia B.
Juliana R.
Miori I.
Mark L.
Anna H.
Lorenzo W.
Anton F.
Jessica C.
Jennifer T.
Mimi S.
Berta B.
Flora B.
Pauline T.
Lisa S.
Morgen S.
Ev D.
Elena A.
Mohammed N.
Jenn R.
Cynthia H.
Eric Y.
Brenda M.
Mari I.
Josh M.
Nn M.
Willy R.
Michailah W.
Matthew Y.
Brooke M.
Mei C.
Jasmine M.
Jim G.
Lissa G.