Nestled in the heart of youthful Basque fashion, Loreak Mendian offers a chic mix of timeless attire and unique accessories, all in a minimalist setting.
"Modernist Basque Design Loreak Mendian is the epitome of youthful Basque couture for the people. Carefully designed, shying away from trends and focusing on classic cuts and prints with a bit of 'edge', their clothing walks a lovely line between wearable art and utilitarian. The boutique also has a winsome collection of carefully curated shoes and accessories. Worth a visit to pick up a catalog and check out the shop window display alone."
"Modernist Basque Design Loreak Mendian is the epitome of youthful Basque couture for the people. Carefully designed, shying away from trends and focusing on classic cuts and prints with a bit of 'edge', their clothing walks a lovely line between wearable art and utilitarian. The boutique also has a winsome collection of carefully curated shoes and accessories. Worth a visit to pick up a catalog and check out the shop window display alone."
Neil McDermott
Sam Pemberton
Alexandre Demoury
Macatefe G
Jesus Echevarria
Neil McDermott
Sam Pemberton
Alexandre Demoury
Macatefe G
Jesus Echevarria
Liz L.
Sam S.