Nestled in a charming corner, this Parisian-inspired bistro serves delectable pastries and coffee, perfect for a leisurely San Francisco brunch.
"Wifi: Yes Cafe Du Soleil is a French-style bistro located on a sunny corner in Lower Haight (they used to be located across the street). Grab coffee, a pastry, or an avocado toast before work, or come by for lunch with a friend to talk about that random thing that happened last week over a charcuterie board and snacks. A covered sidewalk patio, a big communal table inside, and an afternoon menu of beer, wine, and pizzas add to the charm of this place. During the day, this spot tends to get overrun with the laptop work crowd, but there’s still plenty of space to hang out. " - lani conway, julia chen 1, ricky rodriguez
"Grab a macaroon, some vino, and a spot outside this lovely little French cafe and you’ll be transported from the streets of Lower Haight to Paris. The outdoor seating is a great place to spend a sunny afternoon reading or people watching. Even if the fog’s got you down, snag a spot inside by the window and enjoy some pastries, salads, or open-faced sammies." - Amy Young
"Cafe du Soleil, Lower Haight Duboce by Amy Young. Grab a macaroon, some vino, and a spot outside this lovely little French cafe and you’ll be transported from the streets of Lower Haight to Paris. The outdoor seating is a great place to spend a sunny afternoon reading or people watching. Even if the fog’s got you down, snag a spot inside by the window and enjoy some pastries, salads, or open-faced sammies."
"The Lower Haight cafe, Cafe du Soleil, has reopened with a fresh coat of paint and a new venue at 211 Fillmore Street, where a Farmhouse Thai used to dish out food. The kitchen is a bit bigger this time around." - Paolo Bicchieri
Dmytro Buldakov
Olga Liakhovich
Terrell Marshall
Sofia Ajram
George Montgomery
Arron Liu
Sridhar Guthula
Kritika Khetarpal
Samir Z.
Sarah J.
Jennifer O.
Lynn F.
Joan W.
Grace Y.
Amelia D.
Thu N.
Saad B.
Courtney O.
Cassio Z.
Evelyn M.
Adel W.
Sarah C.
Daria G.
Denise C.
Christina J.
Danielle L.
Jojhan G.
Kathy K.
Ahana D.
Ying Z.
Shannon B.
Rhea G.
Jimmy N.
Alex A.
Amy N.
Jacob M.
Erin J.
Kenny Y.
Leela S.
Vicki L.
Audrey S.
Allison W.
Felix S.
Therese S.
Kyle S.
Karen R.
Jennifer N.
Vignesh B.
Rebecca M.
Tea with T.
Abe E.
Diane P.
Nina Y.
Brian R.
Stephanie B.
Noelle H.
Ash A.