This Napa taqueria serves up mouthwatering homemade tortillas and generous portions of tacos and nachos, making it an essential stop for tasty, authentic bites.
"Though one of Napa’s main attractions is its upscale restaurant scene, fine dining fatigue is real. Thankfully, the valley is also dotted with taco trucks and small bodegas with back counters that serve good food in a casual setting. La Luna has tacos, quesadillas, and more, but it’s famous for its fully loaded burritos, especially the version stuffed with its delightfully crisp carnitas. If you can get there before 11 a.m., the massive breakfast burrito will lay solid groundwork for even the most ambitious day of wine tasting." - Dianne de Guzman, Eater Staff
"La Luna Taqueria: The Best Burrito in Napa Valley A favorite among vineyard and cellar workers of all nationalities, La Luna keeps the Napa Valley workforce fed. It’s fast, it’s cheap, it’s the best burrito around. There are picnic tables out back with vineyard views, real Mexican Coca-Cola, and not a limo or pair of stilettos in sight. In Rutherford, off Highway 29, it makes for a convenient pit stop whether you're wine tasting or shoot thinning. Also, if you need a hat, a harvest hook knife, or a giant bag of chicharones, La Luna has it."
Mike M .mermaid
Dana Massie
Tyler Durden
susan mulder
phil rodrigues