This charming cat rescue café serves up delicious bites and drinks while letting you cozy up with happy, roaming cats in a serene atmosphere.
"Join a bundle of fluffy felines for lunch or dinner in this quirky cafe right at the heart of the centre. Don't be expecting loads of kitty cuddles - it's more likely you'll get a few meows at a distance than Mr Whiskers purring on your lap. It still makes an unusual change for a meet-up with friends and, for those that live in the centre, ideally fulfils a cat quota if you can't have a pet just yet." - DS.Emotion
"Kitty Cafe, Leeds by DS.Emotion. Join a bundle of fluffy felines for lunch or dinner in this quirky cafe right at the heart of the centre. Don't be expecting loads of kitty cuddles - it's more likely you'll get a few meows at a distance than Mr Whiskers purring on your lap. It still makes an unusual change for a meet-up with friends and, for those that live in the centre, ideally fulfils a cat quota if you can't have a pet just yet."
Bethany Hope
Timothy Muskett
Kaitlin Spooner
Denise Horn
Froggy Master
Emma Mason
Rachael Kay Burns