Nestled in Japan's serene countryside, the House of Light melds James Turrell's mesmerizing art with traditional Japanese charm for a uniquely tranquil retreat.
2891 Ueno, Tokamachi, Niigata 948-0122, Japan Get directions
"The power of James Turrell’s art is that it evokes and expands contemplative states within the viewer. So what could be a more fitting home for his art than a guesthouse for meditation deep within Japan’s rural western countryside? Guests can stay overnight at the House of Light, where Turrell has fused aspects of traditional Japanese architecture, aesthetics, and culture with his own play on light and shadows."
George Lin
vivi handoyo
Thierry von der Weid
michael mauch
Rufus Starbuck
Thomas Miller
George Lin
vivi handoyo
Thierry von der Weid
michael mauch
Rufus Starbuck
Thomas Miller