Nestled in the vibrant heart of Todos Santos, this boutique hotel offers stylish, minimalist rooms, a rooftop bar, a sunny pool, and a bustling restaurant scene.
C. Álvaro Obregón, Centro, 23300 Todos Santos, B.C.S., Mexico Get directions
"Casa Tota's Honor Bar This abacus-inspired device tracks how many beers you take from the honor bar located next to the rooftop jacuzzi at Casa Tota ( Located in the heart of Todos Santos, this new hotel is outrageously affordable (rooms start at around $85) and its restaurant serves a dangerously good margarita. Margaritas are on the house if you can out arm wrestle Casa Tota's buff waiter, Raul."
Elisabetta Bozzoni
Houston Foist
Anthony Mahre
Clayton Anderson
Jerry Hillard
HiLiz Hernandez
Pat Deacon
Elisabetta Bozzoni
Houston Foist
Anthony Mahre
Clayton Anderson
Jerry Hillard
HiLiz Hernandez
Pat Deacon