2024 11 05 1631
U.S. Presidential Election.
I'm hoping for the best.
Wishing the best for all Americans,
Who's fighting for what is right.
Power to the people.
Democracy and diversity exists here in United States of America.
We're not and shall not be governed by a country but protect our country from those who tries to.
Fighting for what is moral, as human being.
Protecting the innocents from being corrupted by the corrupted.
Standing for our rights as Americans.
Standing for the constitution that was written by, and when this country was founded.
Descendants of immigrants, rebels against monarchy, fighting for justice of and from the oppressors.
Unique diversity, mixture of many different backgrounds and cultures.
There are no other nations in the world that has this very unique Democratic society.
In which, I think we should feel deeply grateful for those who fight and sacrificed their lives to give us the freedom that we currently consider for granted.
Our war veterans, civil right activists, and countless heroes who gave up their own lives.
For the others, who we live with, among, and consider as our neighbors, friends, and family.
Regardless of their beliefs.
Freedom of the speech.
Freedom of the press.
And most importantly,
The Freedom of expression of, who as we, as individual citizens of America.
Their freedom of how we want to live as. Pursuing our happiness.
"Pursuit of Happiness"
Of this country, who I think have the commonality.
In which, we were born equal, with purity of who we are.
As an American,
land of democracy and diversity.
Thank our heroes and may our troops protect our hard-earned freedom.
Thank you for those who taught me unforgettable memories and lessons.
Both good and bad.
Still learning as I am aging.
Whether I like or not, we all do.
Born and die, as a human.
Thank you really, for your time reading this.
Hopefully my message and messages get to some who deserve it.
Love wins all. #KPOP #IU #Oneday...
Oh and...
um... trending and have to follow the kiddos. So... @dk.jdy
#1like #2likes #3likes... #howthatmakesense........
Edit 2025 0119 202512
New ceo.
Tiki Toki back online.
Executive decision.
He said.
I forgot about the duck and the soy sauce.
Plus Tax evasion exclusions.
Edit 2025 0216 163500
Chivalry is in question.
I bought Product of USA oranges in Chinese grocery store.
Imagine China impose reciprocal tariffs on American goods,
Wouldn't that mak...
Oh, they made DeepSeek even with Semiconductor restrictions?
USA let's go...?
I ain't got money.
P. S.
I was surprised,
The people understand only if I talk in form of sarcasm for some reason.
They think it's a joke.
Hope not.
I ain't got money,
either way.
Jose deportiti.
I meant to say,