Galeria Asymetria, nestled in a charming apartment in Warsaw, showcases iconic Polish photography from 1950 to 1980, celebrating the visual talents of the era.
"Asymetria ('Asymmetry') was founded in 2008 and is housed in the Apt. 5 of the Functional House. It’s the first gallery in Poland to focus on Polish photography from 1950 to 1980. Asymetria closely collaborates with the Archeology of Photography Foundation, a Polish NGO striving to research and promote key photographic collections. The gallery exhibits the works of renowned Polish photographers, such as Zofia Rydet and Tomasz Sikora. Hours: Tue-Sat: 12:00 pm-6:00 pm. Shown here: "Tribute to Jerzy Lewczyński" - Praesens
"Galeria Asymetria, Warsaw by Praesens. Asymetria ('Asymmetry') was founded in 2008 and is housed in the Apt. 5 of the Functional House. It’s the first gallery in Poland to focus on Polish photography from 1950 to 1980. Asymetria closely collaborates with the Archeology of Photography Foundation, a Polish NGO striving to research and promote key photographic collections. The gallery exhibits the works of renowned Polish photographers, such as Zofia Rydet and Tomasz Sikora. Hours: Tue-Sat: 12:00 pm-6:00 pm. Shown here: "Tribute to Jerzy Lewczyński"
MArta Cok
MArta Cok