Frite Alors serves up mouthwatering Belgian-style fries and hearty smash burgers in a chill atmosphere, perfect for a laid-back munch fest.
"Belgian Fries, Cheese, Gravy and Frankfurters Frite Alors! isn't entirely dedicated to poutine. It's first and foremost a Belgian-style french fry eatery, and in Montreal , he who says french fries says poutine. What makes the poutine at Frite Alors! so delicious is 1) the incredible fries, and 2) the themed mixtures. Me, I always go for the Viennese—regular poutine with bits of frankfurters. Yum. My manly man has a thing for the Bourguignonne, a poutine topped with delicious braised beef. And, true to their Belgian roots, the restaurant's menus and decor are strongly inspired by comics, which only makes the dining experience a more whimsical. There are about ten different locations throughout the city, perfect for a impromptu poutine craving."
Jeremiah Hayes
Russ Bain
Ben Philippi
William Toutant
Alexandre Geleyn
Laura Maciel
Justin Mitchell
Jordan Voisin