This vintage Seattle retailer, steeped in history since 1897, boasts rugged outdoor gear and warm, personable service with high-quality offerings.
"Outfitter to the Great Klondike Gold Rush, this Seattle-based company supplied stampeders with boots, sleeping bags, Mackinaw wool blankets, and rugged attire made from water-repellent Tin Cloth. "Our materials are the very best obtainable, for we know that the best is none too good and that quality is of vital importance," explained founder C. C. Filson. His legacy lives on with exquisite craftsmanship and a lifetime guarantee for each item, right down to the 100percentvirgin-wool dog coat. Stop into the 6,000-square-foot SoDo flagship store—treasured by local "lumbersexuals"—for limited-edition finds not available elsewhere."
"Outfitter to the Great Klondike Gold Rush, this Seattle-based company supplied stampeders with boots, sleeping bags, Mackinaw wool blankets, and rugged attire made from water-repellent Tin Cloth. "Our materials are the very best obtainable, for we know that the best is none too good and that quality is of vital importance," explained founder C. C. Filson. His legacy lives on with exquisite craftsmanship and a lifetime guarantee for each item, right down to the 100percentvirgin-wool dog coat. Stop into the 6,000-square-foot SoDo flagship store—treasured by local "lumbersexuals"—for limited-edition finds not available elsewhere."
Jason G.
joel johnson
Danielle Ramirez
Carlos Montero
tristan leghorn
Patrick Montemerlo
Kevin Farmer