Drive through the enchanting Fern Gully, a lush, fern-filled gorge in Jamaica, where scenic twists meet charming roadside vendors and surprises.
9WP5+976, A3, Ocho Rios, Jamaica Get directions
"A Magnificent Gorge One of the most romantic drives in Jamaica takes you just outside Ocho Rios and onto the A3 highway, through "Fern Gully": a stunning three-mile gorge surrounded by sky-scraping, 30-foot fern trees. You’ll feel as if you’re on a completely different island as you pass through this natural, green tunnel, once a riverbed. Pull off to the side where possible to stop and take in the views, and even a walk. Because this is a road often taken by visitors and is one of Jamaica's natural wonders, there are vendors lining up the road, but not so many that it spoils the view. Keep an eye on the road at all times—there might be a man on leaf-adorned stilts appearing before you. Never a dull moment in Jamaica."
Hope Ogunbamiyo
Marcello Maximillian Bruffinton
high as kites_April
Yang Ni
Jason George Photography
Marcia Miller-Rogers
Tsarie Robinson
Lynne Arrowsmith
Hope Ogunbamiyo
Marcello Maximillian Bruffinton
high as kites_April
Yang Ni
Jason George Photography
Marcia Miller-Rogers
Tsarie Robinson
Lynne Arrowsmith