Ettal, nestled in Bavaria's breathtaking Garmisch-Partenkirchen district, is an idyllic stop on the stunning German Alpine Road, perfect for scenic escapes.
"The Prettiest Alpine Road Trip In Europe Move over Switzerland . The southern part of Germany offers stunning panoramas, Alpine lakes by the dozen, quaint Alpine villages, and the world's largest ice caves. What's more, it's the getaway to the most romantic road in the world. The German state of Bavaria is often ignored when it comes to road trips in the Alps. However it is one of the most stunning areas of Europe. The scenery on the Deutsche Alpenstrasse (German Alpine Road) is every bit as pretty as the Swiss Alps but accommodation, food, and facilities are much cheaper in this part of Europe. Start your journey in Munich and work your way to Unterwossen via Ettal. Don't forget to visit Partnach Gorge and the ice caves in Werfen. One thing is for sure - the views on this route will seduce you into stopping your car every 5 minutes."