Discover a charming spice emporium in Paris’ Japanese quarter, where high-quality, exotic spices and friendly staff await to elevate your culinary adventures.
"A rolling ladder and packed floor-to-ceiling shelves underscore the library-like nature of this storied spice shop: Here, you'll find an encyclopedia worth of salts and peppers, mustards, chutneys, infused oils, and any number of exotic spices. The main draw, though, are the Roellinger house mixes, like the Mauritius-inspired Poudre d'Or, which combines coriander, turmeric, West Indian bay, and unripe mango powder. Since no cookbook calls for this specific mixture, they make pairing suggestions (oysters and shellfish), and even offer links to recipes for those of us who are easily intimidated chefs."
Jean Y
Julien Dyminski
Andrew N
T Cho
Mikyoung Kim
Tomer Gueta
Jorge Bastos Ferreira
Chris Townsend