Nestled in an unmarked alley in Gangnam, this sleek speakeasy serves up craft beer and single malt whisky in a stylish, dark wood setting.
South Korea, Seoul, Gangnam District Get directions
"Navigating Korea’s Capital Addresses in Seoul are notoriously difficult to figure out, and that combined with the countless number of unmarked alleys makes finding even the most popular hangouts a challenge. Finding the unmarked door of one of Seoul’s coolest speakeasies isn’t easy, but it’s worth it, as the unassuming door opens to reveal a trendy bar with a dark wood interior that specializes in craft beer and single malt whisky. It’s the only bar of its kind in Gangnam, as most of the craft beer places are located in the more international neighborhood of Itaewon, so leave early to ensure you get there in time to nab a good seat. Eonjuro 134-gil, Gangnam-gu"