Quench your thirst and cool off with the best mote con huesillo in town, a delightful blend of sun-dried peaches and barley, perfect on a hot day.
"Quench Your Thirst The mercury during summer afternoons can hit 34C (or around 95F). How to stay cool during the hottest time of the day (4-6pm)? Besides seeking shade or air-conditioning, Santiaguinos seek solace in a traditional drink called "mote con huesillos." Huesillos, sun-dried peaches, are cooked with water and a touch of sugar. The liquid and fruit are chilled and served with a scoop of toothy golden barley. Mote con huesillo is sold by vendors throughout downtown. More than a drink, it's a satisfying, healthy snack."
Juan Santa Cruz
Jorge dennys rodriguez
Veronica Muscatt
Alex C.
Paola Peñailillo
Patrick Zuñiga
Belén Magdalena R. Sepúlveda