This family-run fast-food spot dishes up smashing burgers and fries with a side of good vibes, making it a must-visit for casual burger enthusiasts.
"Easy Street Burgers in Studio City was reviewed by TikTok influencer Keith Lee, who rated their jalapeño burger, double cheeseburger, and double bacon cheeseburger. The double cheeseburger and double bacon cheeseburger received perfect 10s, with Lee declaring it the best burger he had ever had, especially in LA." - Mona Holmes
"Noparvar, who creates social media videos under his handle @how.kev.eats, can change the fortune of a restaurant overnight with a minute-long video. Since posting positive reviews of Easy Street Burgers in Studio City and South Philly Experience on West Pico Boulevard, both restaurants have drawn steady crowds." - Cathy Chaplin
"Your Order: Double Jalapeño Monster ($12.50) This spot in Studio City is best known for getting a rare 10/10 rating from food influencer Keith Lee, the same guy who thought ordering a salmon chopped cheese from a NYC bodega was a good idea (no comment). Suffice it to say, we weren’t as impressed. Though these burgers aren’t terrible, the main issue is the chewy, spiderweb-y, overcooked patties, which arrive less “smashed” and more “maimed in an industrial accident.” They’re also served open-faced, which means having to fold the squishy too-sweet bun in half like a poorly made taco. The saving grace here is topping options like fresh sliced jalapenos, but considering the upcharge for those (even grilled onions cost an extra $1) and the long wait times even during off-hours, we prefer other smashburger options a short drive away." - garrett snyder, sylvio martins, nikko duren
"While Easy Street isn’t new to Los Angeles, its burgers are having a moment after a visit and stellar review from TikToker Keith Lee. The burger at Easy Street is a classic smash burger with crispy edges that extend past the bun, melted cheese, and grilled onions." - Rebecca Roland
"Over the weekend, Keith Lee’s 15 million TikTok followers found themselves looking at a review of Easy Street Burger in Studio City by Cardi B. The pair sampled burgers from the restaurant, which Lee initially reviewed in 2023." - Mona Holmes