This iconic culinary haven in Paris is a must-visit for any cooking enthusiast, boasting an impressive array of professional-grade supplies and friendly, knowledgeable staff.
"E. Dehillerin, Paris At first glance, this cookware emporium feels like a dusty relic. But dig a little deeper, especially in the basement, and you’ll find just about anything you could need for the kitchen, along with plenty of treasures you don’t—duck press, anyone?—but would love all the same. Knives, copper cookware, and ceramics are the selection’s biggest strengths. 18−20 Rue Coquillière, 33/(0) 1-42-36-53-13."
"Since 1820, E. Dehillerin has been outfitting the kitchens of Paris with copper pots, paring knives, whisks—and a million other ingenious gadgets nobody ever knew they needed. It is a huge store and an incredible resource, though come with full pockets (and plenty of room in your suitcase). They also sell online and ship globally."
"A kitchen shop beloved by Julia Child, full to the point of being cluttered with kitchen tools."
Alexey Subach
Miss Cava
Rucksack Foodie
Scott Harrison
Kristine Pray
Shaelyn Burnet