The Dead Sea is an enchanting oasis where you can effortlessly float on its hypersaline waters, rejuvenate with mineral-rich mud, and soak in stunning desert vistas.
West Bank
"Visit the Lowest Point on Earth The Dead Sea, which borders Israel and Jordan , is the lowest point on earth, sitting 1,410 feet below sea level, and continuing to drop as both countries divert water from the River Jordan. As one of the world’s most saline bodies of water (almost 10 times saltierthan the ocean), the Dead Sea cannot sustain life, hence its name. Yet the sea’s therapeutic properties attract thousands ofvisitors annually. Thehigh saline content enables bathers to sit upright in the water and read a book or newspaper. Visitors also enjoy covering their bodies in mineral-rich mud, which is thought to cleanse and purify the skin. Either stay at one of the region’s luxurious hotels and get your spa treatments there, or hit one of the public beaches on a day trip and slather the mud on yourself."
Paul Vivas
Thomas Bielby
Abu Suzan
Gabe Kagan
Mathew Abraham
Kessiah Gipson
Blue & Green Traveling Team