Dave M.
Note: I give this 3 and a half stars.
As a pretty inexperienced comedy club guy, I went into Comedy Bar for their Wednesday night festivities unsure of what to expect. What kind of humour would be thrown at me? Will the audience be forced into participating? Would there be dwarves, vegetables used in inappropriate ways, full-frontal nudity, and 2 guys in a horse costume?
I was pleasantly surprised, but it definitely had its pitfalls for a filthy noob like me.
First off, when you first arrive, it's pretty confusing to get your bearings. In fact, I'm pretty sure I found Bobby Fischer and Jimmy Hoffa before I found the stage.I went downstairs to the bar area, and (shockingly) the ticket booth is empty. To your right is a lounge-type area with a couple of couches and arcades. Next to that and on the far-left are hallways, presumably leading to the staff areas.
So I plunked my ass down at the bar and had a drink, which was surprisingly cheap! I asked the bartender what the deal was to see a show, and he explained to go down the left hallway, and that's it. Well, my drink and I went down the hallway, which branches into 3 directions, one left, one right, and one straight and up the stairs. Thanks, barkeep! Luckily, a couple of girls went into the theater area on the left, and I followed.
After that, things were great. You pay the girl 10 dollars inside, and watch the show.
The seats were not unlike your typical pub seats: uncomfortable prison-sex posterior probes. Small complaint, but hey, if you shift around long enough, people will assume you either have 'roids, or you're trying to do drugs rectally, and that's just not cool. Up with hope, down with butt-dope!
The show itself was phenomenal! Both the Wednesday night scheduled show, and the free improv session that followed were quality comedy shows, and I laughed pretty hard throughout. For 10 bucks, you can't go wrong!
I could see this place becoming pretty insane on a Friday or Saturday night, as even on Wednesday, the lone bartender seemed pretty overwhelmed, and it was practically a full house that night. Judging by how the people were acting, I got the impression this was a really tight-knit community, and a lot of them were there to support their family/friends.
I didn't sample the food that night, and points got knocked off because of a confusing layout (I mean, come on, a sign with the word "STAGE" and an arrow won't kill you) and anal penetrating chairs, but I otherwise loved the place, and I can't wait to return!