This charming venue combines classic cinema and a rich film museum, featuring offbeat screenings, interactive exhibits, and a delightful terrace café.
"Learning About Film History Founded in the early 1950s by European film archive pioneer Manoel Ribeiro, this museum's mission is to safeguard film heritage. In the Cupid Room is an exhibit of Magic Lanterns, an apparatus for projecting images onto glass painted in translucent colors. Also there are several collections of sound, lighting, video, decorative objects, and pre-cinema devices. Indie film festivals take place here too. In the bookshop you can find not only film books but also DVDs. And on the same floor, on a nice terrace, you'll find a restaurant."
Hugo Werneck
Jenny White
Artour McCarthy
Alexandra Skotenko
Samia Kamel
Neffi Kristensen
Hugo Werneck
Jenny White
Artour McCarthy
Alexandra Skotenko
Samia Kamel
Neffi Kristensen