Richard R.
The Chattahoochee Nature Center seems like a nice place, but we didn't get to see much of it. My wife and I signed up for the "Date Night on the River" canoe tour that is offered on Friday's from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm (June 2, 2017 - August 18, 2017).
You must register at least 2 days in advance at a cost of $30/person to the general public or $25 for CNC Members. We arrived early, around 5:15pm and decided to walk the grounds. The Discovery Center was closed, so we walked the trails instead. Along the Wildlife Walk trail we found a habitat for beavers, a butterfly house, and several enclosures for raptors such as Copper Hawk, Red-Tailed Hawks, Red-Shoulder Hawks, Barn Owls, Gray-Horned Owls, Black Vultures and even Bald Eagles, which took me totally by surprise.
I read in one review that the birds here can not be released back to the wild due to damaging injuries. However, I must say the aviaries (in my opinion) are inadequate in size. The Cooper Hawks, for example, were slightly agitated by my presence and flew back and forth in their aviary so quickly that you could barely count to one before they were to the other side and back. The Bald Eagle aviary was the largest, but still tiny in comparison to the size of this bird. The eagle also seemed agitated by human presence and made a weird series of sounds almost like he was talking to me. It sound nothing like I expected from such a majestic raptor, but more like a small parakeet that an awesome predator.
Sound of a bald eagle:
We were told to park in the bus parking area and meet in front of the Scheduling Office. Here we met up with CNC "Naturalists", which in my mind meant they may possibly show up nude! Sorry, I'm twisted like that!!!
Here is where my disappointment begins. Our team of guides were nice, but they spent probably 20 minutes discussing local radars showing bad weather moving in by 7:30... which would arrive in the middle of our canoeing trip down the river. This apparently is a bad thing and the great debate was if we should go out or not. Ultimately the guides took a "lets just walk down to the river and reassess there" sort of attitude, which I was okay with because I really wanted to have my date night on the river with my wife.
We spent another 30 minutes getting geared up, walking a quarter mile to the canoe launch site and receiving instruction on how to paddle and what to do if you capsize. By the time we were getting the canoes off the racks, it began to thunder, winds picked up and we felt random drops of rain, with flashes of lightening in the distant dark clouds. Our head Naturalist said "the clouds are moving east as most storms do and we are heading west." With this justification, we began to launch our canoes out into the "HOOCH" one by one.
We travelled about a half mile downstream before the guides gathered us together and said we would be turning back because the clouds were getting too ominous. He mentioned rescheduling us, but after we returned our gear, he gave no further instruction. Most of the other couples left, but myself and two other husbands asked "how do we go about rescheduling?" The tone went from talks of rescheduling to calling the office to see if they would possibly be willing to grant us a reschedule, because the guides themselves have no authority to reschedule. They further went on to say "it doesn't hurt to call and ask" and "we will let them know what happened and advocate for you." That sounded lovely, but bottom line, we hadn't got what we paid for nor were we told that IF we launch out for ANY amount of time, there is no requirement to reschedule if the weather goes bad. They advertise a 2.5 hour canoe ride, however, we experienced about a half hour:
* We arrived 15 minutes earlier than our 6pm tour time.
* My photo of the first canoe in our group to launch was @ 6:54pm.
* By the time all the canoes were on the river it was 7:17pm.
* We returned to the launch area @ 7:54pm (about 37 minutes on the water).
* By the time we cleans the canoes, put them back on the rack and returned our gear it was 8:30pm.
Not exactly the "Date Night" we expected, but it has great potential. The brief time we were on the water was fun and definitely will test your relationship skills as a marital team. We did well, but were just happy we didn't capsize. I'm also happy to report that a week later they refunded our canoe tour fee, which was more that what I expected. I assumed they would just reschedule us on a different day, but happy to have the refund as well. We do plan to book another date night canoe tour and I will update the review once we get a chance to have the full experience.
PS - The weather passed and it never rained