Cave Falls, a stunning 250-foot-wide cascade tucked away in Yellowstone's remote Cascade Corner, offers beautiful views and serene hikes perfect for a quiet escape.
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"There are about 290 waterfalls in Yellowstone. The tallest, the Lower Falls in the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, is about twice the height of Niagara Falls, or 308 feet tall. Among the shortest is Cave Falls, at about 20 feettall. What it lacks in height, Cave Falls makes up for with accessibility and width: It’s one of the few waterfalls in the park you can drive to, and, at 250 feet wide, it is the widest. In any other part of Yellowstone a drive-to waterfall would be packed with people, but Cave Falls is in the park’s southwestern corner (aka Cascade Corner because ofthe density of waterfalls), which is the most remote developed area, and and only dirt roadsreach the site. While you're admiring the cascade, look for the namesake cave on the northern side—it’s about 50 feet tall and 300 feet long."
Nepal Plummer
Ivonne Nava
Eric Fratangelo
Carla Anderson
Allie Eidam
Nicholas Levitt
Ed Crapo
Erik L