Nestled between Opera and Callao, this cozy spot serves up vibrant South American fare and inventive cocktails in a stylish, energetic atmosphere.
"Cafe Jaguar is a cozy Latin American/Peruvian style restaurant between Opera and Callao, if you are a ceviche lover with a modern twist this is your place, they do a nice range of cocktails as well." - Mimética
"Casa Jaguar, Sol by Mimética. Cafe Jaguar is a cozyLatin American/Peruvian style restaurant between Opera and Callao, if you are a ceviche lover with a modern twist this is your place, they do a nice range of cocktails as well."
Anya V
Kate Sn
Ken Eisner
Petronel Tuluc
Kim Bees
Haley Keane
Darrick Alaimo
Anya V
Kate Sn
Ken Eisner
Petronel Tuluc
Kim Bees
Haley Keane
Darrick Alaimo