This beautifully designed tea shop offers a serene atmosphere, a vast selection of loose-leaf and packaged teas, and friendly staff who are passionate about tea.
"OK, it’s not coffee, but it’s good: Camellia Sinensis specializes in high-quality teas from countries like China, India, Sri Lanka and Japan, served by incredibly knowledgeable staff. Have a seat in the tasting room, a calm and relaxing atmosphere that allows customers to witness ceremonial tea preparations. Camellia Sinensis also tells traditional accessories including a selection from local ceramic artists." - Allison Van Rassel
Rafael Magura
Kenneth Magura
Tori Scott
Helena Andújar
Scott Lee
Melanie Tamilia
Priya Patel
Martha Wilson
Rafael Magura
Kenneth Magura
Tori Scott
Helena Andújar
Scott Lee
Melanie Tamilia
Priya Patel
Martha Wilson
Colvin C.
Katherine H.
Mel E.
Michelle P.