Experience the enchanting early morning atmosphere of the Mekong River's floating market, where local vendors still bustle with vibrant fruits and veggies.
"A Day on the Mekong River Delta We arranged a private tour of the Mekong River Delta through the Park Hyatt Saigon. We were driven from the hotel to Cai Be in a Cadillac with snacks and drinks, then escorted to our private river boat (also loaded with fresh fruit, coffee and tea, and other snacks). Our english-speaking tour guide brought us onto a small rowed boat through the smaller channels of the delta, explaining local life and the various trades of the people who live there. We saw a floating market and had lunch at Mr. Kiet's historic house. Highly recommend spending the morning and afternoon on this tour."
Nicolas Ortiz
Barret Brewster
Letisha Whiteman
Philippe Delecheneau
Nicole LEE
Nick T
My Duyen
Nicolas Ortiz
Barret Brewster
Letisha Whiteman
Philippe Delecheneau
Nicole LEE
Nick T
My Duyen