Nestled in a charming two-story house in Nishi-Azabu, Butagumi elevates tonkatsu to an art form with its meticulously crafted, panko-crusted pork cutlets.
"Nowhere in Tokyo serves tonkatsu (breaded deep-fried pork) with the quality and sophistication of Butagumi, set in a 60-year-old, two-story, freestanding traditional house. Here, you dine on premium cutlets — made from your choice of a couple dozen regional heirloom breeds — cooked a beautiful golden brown and served with a pyramid of finely slivered cabbage and thick, house-made Worcestershire-style sauce." - Yukari Sakamoto, Robbie Swinnerton
"A traditional freestanding house in residential Nishi-Azabu is the unique setting for this tonkatsu shop where panko-encrusted cuts of pork are deep-fried until golden. Butagumi has a big selection of pork to choose from, almost too many. There's Spanish Ibérico as well as many choices from regions throughout Japan , from Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south, each with a distinctive flavor profile. The menu is ever-changing, so consult with the staff to decide what you are in the mood for on any given day."
Ellen Brigitta
Elsa Febriani
Cookie Monster
Huyen Nguyen
Carla Navarro
Ellen Brigitta
Elsa Febriani
Cookie Monster
Huyen Nguyen
Carla Navarro
Dean N.
Randy F.
Jiro W.
Gordon Y.
CiCi C.
Kitty J.
Kristen L.
Akira O.
Edward W.
TianChee S.
Jennifer J.
Emily C.
Damian W.
Dwayne Y.
Gabbi T.
Ian C.
Jaana S.
Erin K.
Cynthia M.
Christina L.
Epic Food Adventures A.
Christina H.
Lynvi S.
Judy L.
Chad Y.
Timothy H.
Sean C.
Clarisse T.
Joel Y.
Anthony S.
Sasha F.
Yuichiro N.
Lance S.
Matias L.
D P.
Nana K.
Chloe K.
Jessie M.
Taiyo O.
Yosh.n.LC Y.
Carmen R.
Brian M.
Fred F.
No N.
Vincent C.
Ben M.
Edith M.
Sarah T.
Greg S.