This bustling bistro serves up affordable traditional French dishes and delightful wines in a lively atmosphere, perfect for a casual Parisian meal.
"Even though it opened in 2017, Bouillon Pigalle is a time warp, a neo-bouillon bringing back the effervescence of Paris’ working-class staples. Servers are dressed in black vests and white aprons. There’s a €2.50 egg-mayo on the menu, and wine served by the liter. You’ll also need to yell to be heard over the din in the two-story, 300-seat space—but that’s half the fun. Settle into a red leather banquette and feast on slow-cooked beef bourguignon, cottage pie with lamb, and the house cream puff drizzled with chocolate sauce. The queues here are legendary, but the service is as quick and orchestrated as a can-can line at the Moulin Rouge. And since they’re open en continu from noon to midnight, come during off-hours (2:30pm-6pm) for a better chance of sauntering right in." - Emily Monaco
"There are always lines outside Bouillon’s two locations, and that’s because from noon to midnight every single day, the kitchens pump out classic French dishes at super low prices (€20 can get you exactly eight orders of oeuf mayo, should that be the direction you want to take your day). Swing by the one in Republique after walking around the Marais or the Pigalle outpost if you're in Montmartre. Order the onion soup, snails with parsley butter, and the quarter roast chicken with fries as you map out which wine bar you’ll be hitting up for apéro." - Sophie Friedman
"Bouillon Pigalle is a restaurant of the proletariat. Though it would be more accurate to call it a restaurant of the proletariat of Paris who favor watercress salad, escargots, beef bourguignon, frites, and a menu that is as true to a bistro menu as it can be. Historically, in French restaurant vernacular, a "bouillon" is a restaurant that served bouillon-which is to say good, afforable food, that appealed to the working class. And Bouillon Pigalle is the 2018 version: 300 seats; a festive, bustling vibe; and a crowd willing to wait the better part of an hour for table. No matter. The profiteroles are that good. "
"Opened a little over a year ago, this contemporary reinvention of the classic bouillon is one of the trendiest addresses in the French capital. A vast 300-seat duplex decorated with white subway tiles, red banquets and turned wood chairs, it serves French-style comfort food at remarkably low prices." - Stephanie Curtis
"Opened a little over a year ago, this contemporary reinvention of the classic bouillon is one of the trendiest addresses in the French capital. A vast 300-seat duplex decorated with white subway tiles, red banquets and turned wood chairs, it serves French-style comfort food at remarkably low prices." - Stephanie Curtis
Eric Feazel
Magdalena Kruszynski
Cody Gahol
Takumi Ueda
Caroline Cole
Philippa Pham Hughes