Binarowa, a charming Polish village, boasts the stunning 15th-century St. Michael's Archangel Church, part of a captivating UNESCO heritage trail.
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"Some 250 timber structures—from Orthodox, Greek, and Roman Catholic churches to houses, manors, and bell towers—make up the Wooden Architecture Route in Southern Poland’s Małopolska region. You’ll never see them all in a single day trip, but driving even a portion of the trail can provide a fascinating glimpse into Poland’s folk heritage. Some of the top attractions, which are also UNESCO World Heritage sites, include the churches in Binarowa, Dębno Podhalańskie, Lipnica Murowana, and Sękowa. Be sure to park your car and go inside, as the interiors have been fantastically painted by local and itinerant artists. The Wooden Architecture Route remains blissfully undiscovered by mass tourism, so you may just have the churches all to yourself."