Nestled between cafés, this quirky Battersea florist and nursery is a delightful oasis filled with a stunning variety of plants, pots, and friendly advice.
"The outside doesn’t quite prepare you for this surprising magical oasis wedged between two cafés off a busy road. This doesn’t seem like a garden centre / florist, as much as a small public garden to escape to if Battersea Park is too far. An independent and quirky place run by friendly, knowledgeable staff (who clearly love the place). They stock a wide range of indoor and outdoor plants, along with accessories, vintage pots and gifts. They offer a free window box planting service for those of us in tiny London flats, and offer a delivery service of plants and flowers. 020 7978 4253 0772 442 1208" - Holmes Wood
"Battersea Flower Station, Battersea. The outside doesn’t quite prepare you for this surprising magical oasis wedged between two cafés off a busy road. This doesn’t seem like a garden centre / florist, as much as a small public garden to escape to if Battersea Park is too far. An independent and quirky place run by friendly, knowledgeable staff (who clearly love the place). They stock a wide range of indoor and outdoor plants, along with accessories, vintage pots and gifts. They offer a free window box planting service for those of us in tiny London flats, and offer a delivery service of plants and flowers.020 7978 4253 0772 442 1208"
Erin Lu
Giulia Azzara
Moni C.
Leanne Latchman
Alex Pizzoni
Catherine ELLIOTT
Mia Sparrow
Jill S
Erin Lu
Giulia Azzara
Moni C.
Leanne Latchman
Alex Pizzoni
Catherine ELLIOTT
Mia Sparrow
Jill S
Carina P.
Laura Kate S.
C P.
Tiffany M.