Nestled in Mendoza, this lively pub boasts a fantastic beer selection, cozy atmosphere, and a tempting 2-for-1 happy hour that draws a friendly crowd.
"Antares Artisanal Beer Antares is an artisanal beer company started by three friends from Mar de Plata, Argentina, in the 90s. They first learned about homebrewing from a Californian on a post-college trip to Florida. A few years later the three started brewing artisanal beer together, and today they’re the leading craft beer producers in Argentina with bars all over the country. Named after the most brilliant star in the Scorpio constellation, Antares was used as a guide by seamen for centuries. You’ll find German Kolsch, Scotch Ale, English Porter, Babylonian Honey Beer, Irish Cream Stout, Barley Wine and Antares’ Imperial Stout on the menu. Salud! Arístides Villanueva 153; +54 261 423 8327"
M Love
Benjamin Liljeblad
Petr Vasicek
Joe H
Gastón Cattaneo
Jani Saarinen
Nicholas Merriman
Steve G