This modern pizzeria is all about gourmet pies, speedy service, and a create-your-own experience, perfect for satisfying every pizza craving.
"The new CEO, Mike Burns, aims to bring back the anti-establishment vibe of &pizza, a D.C.-born pie conglomerate. Executives and the head chef got ampersand tattoos to show commitment. The team plans to rebuild the brand with a 'shrink to grow' mindset, focusing on improving internal operations before expanding. Notable pies include 'Moonstruck,' 'Bubba Mumbo,' and the controversial 'Dickle' pizza. The chain is also introducing new creations like 'Glizzy Mcguire' and 'Sun’s Out Buns Out.' Future expansion may include North Carolina." - Emily Venezky
"D.C. loves a juicy hearing in Congress, so there were a ton of eyeballs on the testimony of former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen when a young man thought to be a Hill intern was caught on camera ravenously devouring a box of &pizza." - Gabe Hiatt
"Free pies for federal employees between 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. during the shutdown." - Tierney Plumb
"The Dupont Circle location of the local chain &pizza is reopening after renovations. The first 112 people in line on Tuesday, March 20 get free food." - Warren Rojas
"The &pizza location in Dupont Circle, which has been under renovation for a few months, is scheduled to reopen on Sunday, March 18." - Warren Rojas