Nestled in La Roma, this chic boutique is a treasure trove of stylish, local fashion and art, offering curated pieces that perfectly blend trendy with artisanal.
"There are some international brands available here, but clothing, shoes, and accessories imagined, designed, and made in Mexico are the main inventory in this Roma boutique, which also bills itself as a gallery and taller , or workshop. Casa Bosques, a magazine and bookstore, features some of its titles here, and you can buy artisanal chocolate bars as well."
Miguel Angel
jan janse
Randi L Rubin
Isis Minerva Jara
Makoto Takaoka
The Buena Vida
Shelley C
Miguel Angel
jan janse
Randi L Rubin
Isis Minerva Jara
Makoto Takaoka
The Buena Vida
Shelley C
Diane C.
Olivia V.
Misselayneous M.
Jen J.