"Greekman’s serves a good amount of kitsch along with great Greek food. This lively Silver Lake spot (previously Freedman’s) is adorned with miniature marble busts and dangling grapevines and has a blue and white patio in the parking lot that—even after several ouzo shots—does not teleport you to Paros. Most of the menu is small plates, which are great for a long night of grazing and sipping chilled whites from the islands. You can split tender grilled octopus, juicy lamb chops on tangy tzatziki, and feta-stuffed phyllo pockets that we’d happily order ten times over. The only reason we don’t is because those small plate prices add up. Use Greekman’s for drinks and a few bites, and you’ll have plenty of fun. " - sylvio martins, brant cox, nikko duren