"Morning Call was supposed to move out by July 21, but city park officials decided it can stay. City Park announced that it wanted to keep a beignet stand in the Casino Building, but that it would open the lease up to bids from other fluffy, square pastry makers. Morning Call had been dishing out beignets, coffee, and snacks in the space since 2012. Morning Call submitted the highest bid for the 10-year lease, but the park awarded the lease to the second highest bidder, Cafe du Monde, after Morning Call missed a mandatory meeting. Claiming the park is in the wrong, Morning Call filed a lawsuit and asked the judge to allow it to stay until the argument could be resolved. The judge didn’t have to step in at the end since the park officials decided the beignet stand could stay. The loss of the location would be a big one for the Morning Call, which closed its Metairie location at the end of April. The City Park stand is the last location for the 148-year old beignet stand. Whether it wins back the lease or not, the owners vow to open another location elsewhere." - Stephanie Carter