"This is one of the first quality mezcal bottle shops I ever visited, way back in 2009. Cuish founder Felix Hernández Monterrosa and his family have been involved in the mezcal biz for generations. Today the group has two locations: an extremely comprehensive two-floor mezcalería near the Central de Abastos market and a small bottle shop in Centro on Macedonio Alcalá. The mezcalería, while slightly outside the touristy heart of downtown Oaxaca, is absolutely worth a visit. Monterrosa has one of the best collections of mezcal out there, and because of his graphic arts background, he’s created some very beautiful handmade mezcal gift boxes that are available to take home. I love the productions from Berta Vásquez in San Baltazar Chichicapam, as well as Francisco García Leon and Agustín Guendulain Maya, both from different parts of Miahuatlán." - Niki Nakazawa