"It’s a wonder Brennan & Carr — founded in 1938 — still exists. The solid brick structure with the Tudor trim and rustic wood signage was around when this part of Sheepshead Bay was still rural farmland, as the location beside Gravesend Neck Road, one of Brooklyn’s earliest thoroughfares, also attests. The specialty of the house is Irish roast beef, served with its own juices on sandwich or platter in much the same style as Los Angeles’ popular french dip. There are only a few other things on the bill of fare: burgers, onion rings, chicken breast sandwiches, beef broth, pie ala mode, and — as a tribute to its maritime location — clam chowder, served with oyster crackers. The dining room is dark, beer is served, and you can also order from a window on the Avenue U side of the building." - Robert Sietsema