"A small but thoughtful tribute to the works of Japan’s most beloved animation studio, the Ghibli Museum's design is as quirky as its collection. Director Hayao Miyazaki lent his personal touch to the building, which loosely echoes a grand Italian villa. A dense layer of greenery covers the exterior of the mansion and a 16-foot-tall robot soldier from the classic film Castle in the Sky peers morosely down from the rooftop garden. A location in lush Inokashira Park makes it feel like a hidden secret, but this museum has been booked solid since it opened. Tickets for visitors outside of Japan go on sale on the first of the month for the following three months—and they sell out quickly. Die-hards could easily spend an afternoon just browsing the Tri Hawks reading room, but if you’re in a rush, you can cruise through the collection in an hour. Don’t miss a screening of one of the animated short films, all of which are exclusive to the Ghibli Museum." - Diana Hubbell