"Established in 1976, the original The Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History was a small, intimate museum visited largely by the Jewish community. But in 2010, Newseum architect Jim Polshek designed a new building that transformed it into a museum on the scale of the Smithsonian, complete with three-and-a-half floors of permanent collections and special exhibits. In June, the museum reopened after more than two years with a new name (after shoe designer Stuart Weitzman), and a new OY/YO sculpture by Deborah Kass marking the building’s entrance. Starting with the arrival of a small group of Jews in 1654, the museum traces the American Jewish experience through today, telling the story with its collection of 30,000 artifacts. The core exhibition walks visitors through the wave of immigration from Europe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, through World War II, the establishment of Israel, and ends with an Only in America Gallery/Hall of Fame. Start your tour at the top of the building and wind your way down through the years." - Regan Stephens, Devra Ferst