"Tell me: What’s this place all about? It’s certainly not as famous as, say, São Jorge Castle or Miradouro das Portas do Sol, but Miradouro da Senhora do Monte is just as dreamy a lookout point. Considered Lisbon’s highest perch, this Graça hideaway, close to a stop for the fabled 28 tram, has amazing views of the castle just across the way, and the city and Tagus River beyond. Thankfully, this beautiful vista isn’t marred by maddening crowds. Anything we should know about the site? In addition to the calming backdrop—see how many landmarks you can spot in the distance—the site features an 18th-century chapel that replaced the original, which was destroyed in the earthquake of 1755. Good luck is said to grace all pregnant women who visit this sacred space. Got it. So, then, who do you think it’s best for? Those who crave off-the-beaten-path excursions. Before embarking on a tour of the nearby 17th-century Monastery of São Vicente de Fora, refuel on sweet potato bread or granola-studded spice cake at Café Aberto." - Alia Akkam