Nestled on a hill, Kate's Berry Farm serves up scrumptious scones, heavenly jams, and delightful views, making it a charming pit stop worth the drive.
"On 10 acres not far from Freycinet National Park, travelers can pick up homemade treats for every variety of sweet tooth, from freshly picked organic raspberries and chocolate-dipped walnuts to lavender ice cream and French crepes."
John Tay
PY Pui
Will W
Ally Wilwood
Taylah Soteriou
Phil Kabakoff
John Tay
PY Pui
Will W
Ally Wilwood
Taylah Soteriou
Phil Kabakoff
Loosey B.
Jim R.
Kristina K.
Suzie L.
Andy W.
Alba P.
Christian S.
Christian S.
Mark B.
Char T.
Michael H.
Amy F.
Nancy I.
Jennifer G.
Robert H.
Joe Z.
Nat T.
Pablo M.
Victoria J.
Cindster S.