Jodhpur, Rajasthan's vibrant "Blue City," dazzles with its cobalt-hued homes under the majestic gaze of the historic Mehrangarh Fort.
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"Jodhpur: Rajasthan's Blue City Known as The Blue City for its many homes painted to denote them as Brahmin residences, Jodhpur is a chaotic hodgepodge of blue blocks at the foot of mighty Mehrangarh Fort. Interspersed with the sacred color associated with Lord Shiva, the city projects a galaxy of shades ranging from the jewel-toned saris of traditional Rajasthani women to muted tones of the 16th-century wall that protected Jodhpur in medieval times. Long before Mark Zuckerberg used blue for its soothing effect on Facebook users, Jodhpur's citizens apparently knew of its psychological impact on a city."