Hodad's is an iconic San Diego haunt where massive, juicy burgers and thick milkshakes collide in a vibrant, eclectic atmosphere that's simply unforgettable.
"Byron and Virginia Hardin established Hodad’s in Ocean Beach as a burger stand in 1973. These days, there are two full-fledged restaurant locations operated by their grandchildren. Hodad’s is probably the most famous name in San Diego burgers, thanks in part to national recognition. The burgers are huge; a double bacon cheeseburger ordered “all the way” is half a foot tall and more than a meal for two. Get the best of two worlds and order “frings” — a mix of both the onion rings and wonderful fries with battered exteriors and interiors almost as tender as mashed potatoes." - Candice Woo, Helen I. Hwang
"Byron and Virginia Hardin established Hodad’s in Ocean Beach as a burger stand in 1973. These days, there are two full-fledged restaurant locations operated by their grandchildren. Hodad’s is probably the most famous name in San Diego burgers, thanks in part to national recognition. The burgers are huge; a double bacon cheeseburger ordered “all the way” is half a foot tall and more than a meal for two. Get the best of two worlds and order “frings” — a mix of both the onion rings and wonderful fries with battered exteriors and interiors almost as tender as mashed potatoes." - Darlene Horn, Candice Woo
"San Diego’s iconic burger got its start in Ocean Beach. While not the original Santa Monica Avenue location from 1991, this spot offers a lot of local charm with license plates from all over the U.S. and a cab of a restored car serving as a dining booth. You can’t go wrong with any of their beloved burgers, but steer yourself toward one topped with bacon." - Darlene Horn
Dom Bernier
Angie Diaz
Todd Johnson
Sachin Thakur
Ellen M.
Reyna Sandoval
John Doe
Mayis Rocha