Grace's Restaurant and Hotel in Punta Gorda offers a cozy vibe with delectable Belizean dishes, fast service, and a clean, comfortable stay.
19 Main Street, Punta Gorda, Belize Get directions
"Eat at Grace’s Restaurant We approached a lattice-fronted building from which laughter was emanating and soft light illuminated rough wooden tables. A group of young people sat around the remains of what seemed like a leisurely meal on one side of the restaurant. The other half belonged to us. The air was thick with humidity and I decided to have my first Belikin beer. Belikin is one of the few products completely made, sold and consumed only in Belize . It was the perfect accompaniment to my first fry chicken with a side of mashed potatoes. We weren’t bothered; we were taken care of as if we were regular customers yet also left to enjoy, at our own pace, a slow meal in the kind of summer night that seems to linger pleasingly forever. Grace’s Restaurant is open daily from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. and serves food all day, with a menu that favors local Belizean dishes such as fry chicken, or rice and beans."
Evy Perez
Moe Pitman
Veronica Turtle Heart
Deanna Howlett
Rachel Mejia
Yah's Property
Zajira Lozano