Nestled amid bustling Ermou Street, Kapnikarea is a hidden gem of Byzantine architecture, showcasing rich history and stunning murals from the 11th century.
Pl. Kapnikareas, Athina 105 63, Greece Get directions
"It’s impossible to miss this roughly hewn Orthodox church among the polished glass-and-metal shopfronts of Ermou street, one of Athens’s busiest retail strips. It was erected on the remains of an ancient temple in the early 11th century and is dedicated to Panagia (the Virgin Mary). The stone-and-brick structure is laid out with a cross-in-square plan, typical of early Christian churches. The petite columned porch was added to the exterior in the 12th century and the Greek painter Fotis Kontoglou and his students painted the interior murals in the 20th century. Its surrounding low-rise walls make for a popular perch with ice cream or coffee in hand."
Alexandra Giakoumelos
Marin “SayanMk” Kolev
Curt Burnham
Ian Bake
Roy Mathew
Alexandra Giakoumelos
Marin “SayanMk” Kolev
Curt Burnham
Ian Bake
Roy Mathew